Day 17: Prayer for Your Family


I have no greater joy than to hear 

that my children are walking in the truth.”    (3 John 4)


Although John is speaking of his spiritual children, not physical children, this verse stirs great emotion in the heart of parents. 

No greater joy!  Parents want good things for their children.  Spirit-filled parents want their children to find satisfaction in God.

No greater pain? When children do not walk with God, parents have the opposite of joy:  concern, heartache, pain, etc.  It’s hard to describe the desperation felt by parents when their children are not walking with God.

Think about your children….or your parents….is it joyful or painful?  Is it time for thanksgiving or intercession?  Either way, it’s time to pray for your family.


Published by Al Gilbert

Encouraging Missionaries and rePlanting Shallowford.Church

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